Dec 3, 2009

wake up, a team is formed

Day 3

My eyes open everything is blurry and my brain starts to fire up. Then come the daily questions followed by my own answers: Where am I? Home. Bed. Do I work today? No. Where's Ashley? Work. What time is it? It's light out, morning. Reach for the cell phone to check the time. Missed call. Who dares disturb my slumber!?! Luke. Now the confusion clears and the flood of memories construct my day. I jump out of bed and look again at my phone 9:27am there's still time Luke and Brent are coming over so we can all run together today. I'm off work. There's voices outside. I call Luke he answers as I open the door. They are outside.

Luke, Bag and I are together to run. We are only going to run 2.5 miles at a steady pace. I clocked the distance in my car after I trained yesterday because I was excited, fueled by my victory. Luke and Bag seem excited also so we suit up and head out. It's not a difficult run a couple hills, a few mounds and all in one big circle around my apartment complex. We get to the starting line and we're off setting a good pace and sticking together. All of us feeling good. We are chatting as we run, catching up. You can sense the camaraderie between us. We've been friends for a long time. Lived together, studied together, drank together, vacationed together and now we are running together. All of us one goal, one purpose, run the riverbank. We are a team. Unofficially Luke is our captain. It was his idea. He is one of the reasons we are all doing this. We are only missing Peter. He is on the other side of the state, but he will come home for Christmas and we will all run together, complete.

We finish together just as we started together all in good stride no one over-exerted. Six months and one week from this point we will finish together again. All in good stride no one over-exerted. Today, a team is formed.


  1. haha... how sentimental. I feel like music should be playing in the background as I'm reading this...
    I think you should confess to your readers you are not writing about today. Also, great job today on the tredmill tonight! <3 <3

  2. I think each team member should have nike+ chips. Highly motivational! You may even want to invite friends & family to compete in monthly challenges. :-))

  3. Dan, Great improvement on the treadmill! Don't worry everybody has issues with a treadmill sometimes. Maybe not to your extreme but remember use the rails when you start to lose balance or not and provide entertainment to the rest of the gym. You provided a valuable service that day!
