Dec 1, 2009

a rough start

Day 1:

Looking over my work and training schedule, I decided I would start my training with one of the long runs for the week. 3.5 miles. After successfully completing the Gobble Wobble around Reed's Lake (4.3 mi) with family and friends, I knew this would be no problem and was confident I'd be ready for it. Little did I know I was about to experience something I have feared since my first time on a treadmill even though I have never seen it happen to anyone else.

I went to the gym, hopped on the treadmill, and started running as always. I felt good. I was excited to be starting my training and the energy was pushing me to go faster than initially planned. Everything was great until I stopped paying attention and started watching TV. As I ran I must have slowly drifted from the center. My right foot came down on part of the treadmill that was not moving then my left foot came down and shot behind me on the belt while I attempted to maintain my balance. My body twisted as I found my self falling toward the moving belt and the back of the treadmill at the same time. Humiliated and overly aware of the people working out behind me on the ellipticals, I tried to remain somewhat in control and managed to get off with out actually hitting the belt. However, with blood pumping through my veins, my eyes darting around for people chuckling at my expense and a sense that I needed to get back on as quickly as possible I proceeded to jump on from the back right away. Mistake. My center of gravity shot back with my feet as the top half of my body flung forward and my feet came right off the back of the treadmill. My knee ending up sitting on the end of the belt and it quickly rubbed away the first few layers of skin. Now mortified I came to the quick realization that if I was going to get back on I needed to go in from the side and hold onto the rail in the front...little late. Clearly at this point all patrons of the gym have spotted me and identified me as the weakest link. Not only did I fall on the treadmill, but I fell twice. Fortunately for me you don't have to run Riverbank in a straight 2 feet wide strip because I would fail.

...back on I shot a glance at my wife who seemed pleased she wasn't next to me and didn't have to be associated with my antics (typical). I finished out the run with out any other problems. Just a warm sensation on my right knee which has developed into sore.

I wouldn't have asked to start my training any other way. It was in a sense, quintessential Dan.


  1. LOL! LOL! BUT you did FINISH!!!

  2. So there I am...working out...when, despite having headphones on, I suddenly hear a BAM. I turn towards the noise, and see DAN, who had stumpled off the tredmill..then watch him "attempt" to get back on and stumble again....

    I swear I'm a very proud wife. Even if I didn't want to walk out of the gym that night with Dan...

  3. this will be the best blog ever.
